
Informer Server is a runtime for hosting any number of pre-defined or custom applications. Each mobile application has an associated Profile definition which must be imported and initialized to support the application.

This document provides step-by-step instructions for installation of an Informer profile. Individual custom apps or specific deployments might have additional steps, but this can be used a general guideline for any given application definition.


Files needed for installation:

  • Informer profile definition .xml file

  • Informer command .jar

  • Application Configuration resource .json file (optional)

Importing Artifacts

Import Commands

  1. Navigate to Informer Developer by going to Administration > Informer

  2. From the More Actions section of the left-hand navigation menu (or the Select Action menu if left-hand navigation has been turned off), select Import Command



  3. Use the Choose File button to supply the provided command jar file and click OK


Import Profile

  1. Now, from the Common Actions section of the left-hand navigation menu (or the Select Action menu if left-hand navigation has been turned off), select Import Profile



  2. Use the Choose File button to supply the provided Profile export and click OK


(Optional) Import app config resource json file

  1. Once your profile is installed and active, navigate to the profile in Informer Developer.

  2. Select Resources from the Select Action menu.

  3. Optionally, if there is an existing app config that you mean to replace, delete the existing file via the trash can icon.

  4. Click the Add Resource button.

  5. Using the file picker, select the app config json file.

  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

  7. App Config is now installed.

Updated application config files can be applied as above at a later point, even once the Profile is already imported and active.

Initialize the Catalogs

  1. From Informer Developer, press Enter. This will display the list of profiles that have been imported.

  2. Click on the profile that was just imported (INFORMER311 in the example below—​Also, note that the check boxes under Active?, Public?, and Anonymous? Will NOT be checked at this time)

  3. Navigate to the Catalogs tab

  4. Click on the Select All checkbox on the left and above the list of catalogs

  5. Click on the Initialize button under the list of catalogs

This will not result in immediate changes to this screen, rather, the catalogs will be added to a processing queue and Maximo will process the catalogs from that queue.Also, please especially note that clicking the Initialize button kicks off a process that does not stop easily and multiple clicks of the Initialize button will only add more work to the queue.

Monitoring Initialization progress

Catalog init can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours, depending on the size of your dataset.

Because this process can take a very long time, we suggest monitoring every so often but be prepared for it to take quite some time to complete. To monitor the Initialization progress, there are two basic methods:

  1. One can simply periodically click the Refresh button below the list of catalogs.

  2. As catalogs initialize, the Initialized? box on the right will become checked.

  3. Alternatively, Select Monitor from the More Actions section (or Select Action menu) and then navigate to the Catalog Queue tab. From this tab, periodically click the Refresh button and watch as the number in the Total field first increases and then decreases. Once this number returns to zero, the catalogs are initialized.

If you wind up with any jobs in error state, these errors will show up in the logs. Contact your Interloc customer service representative if you need help diagnosing the issue.

Activate the Profile

  1. Once the catalogs are initialized, the profile can be activated from the More Actions section in the Left-hand menu(Or the Select Action menu) by selecting Activate Profile



  2. Once the profile is active, its Active? box will be checked in the profile list.


Add Users

If the profile requires users, they will need to be added at this point.To do this:

  1. Navigate to Informer Developer by going to Administration > Informer

  2. Press Enter to list the available profiles and click on the link for the profile that needs users to be added.

  3. Go to the Users tab in the profile.

  4. Click on the New Row button under the Users list

  5. Type the Username of the person to be added and then hit Tab. The User’s name should auto-populate into the next field and be added to the list above

  6. Note that multiple users can be added to the profile at this time by clicking the New Row button again and typing another username.

  7. Click the Save Icon to save the record(s)

Users can be added or removed at any time, before or after Profile initialization